Retirement: It’s ok not to have all the answers – but you need to start asking the questions
There’s an expectation that we should know all the answers about our plans for the future. What’s important to us. Where we …
Retirement: It’s ok not to have all the answers – but you need to start asking the questions
There’s an expectation that we should know all the answers about our plans for the future. What’s important to us. Where we …
Today’s Worries Getting in The Way of Your Game Plan?
2022 is less than two months old, and already the news seems filled with reasons to be uncomfortable about the way of the world. With everything that’s happening, it’s …
Are Stock Markets Riding Too High?
Your financial masterplan should be beautifully simple – clear goals with sensible decisions and regular funding over time – but that doesn’t always mean the journey is easy, particularly where markets are involved.
Pensions, …
You Don’t Need to be Einstein to Understand Compound returns
Smart chap, that Albert Einstein. He understood things most of us couldn’t possibly hope to wrap our minds around.
E=mc2? You can read that “energy equals mass times …
Why should you care about rising inflation?
Budgets just aren’t what they used to be are they?
If you caught Rishi Sunak’s Autumn Budget yesterday, it was a relatively uneventful affair – from a financial planning perspective anyway.
The much-anticipated …
The Best Way to Enhance Your Financial Strategy? Focus on the Tactics.
As professional advisers, we might live and breathe all things finance but none of us are born financial experts.
Take our mortgage adviser and aspiring financial planner, Rowan …
How Can you Expect to Succeed Without a Plan?
We’ve all heard that famous Benjamin Franklin quote…
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
We’ve all heard it, because it holds up. Having a plan …
When’s the best time to start a new career in financial services?
Probably not during a huge market crash following an historic earth-shaking event. But that’s where my career as a financial adviser started. Back in 2001, a few weeks …
“If you’re seeing bitcoin on a bus, it’s time to buy.”
You might’ve seen this advert doing the rounds on public transport. This probably won’t come as a surprise to you but as someone whose job it is to …
It’s just over a year since the pandemic hit and with everything that’s gone on since (and still going on!), it’s easy to lose perspective on the general state of investment markets.
In this months’ blog, we take stock of …