Are you in a financially compatible relationship? …And does it matter?

Almost two thirds (60%) of people believe that financial compatibility is one of the most important factors in a successful relationship, according to Scottish Widows.

But what is financial compatibility?

Like any part of a relationship, financial compatibility is …

The death of Annuities has been exaggerated; Three tips for making the right choice

the death of annuities has been exagerated

Annuities have undoubtedly fallen out of favour among new retirees.

Since the Pension Freedom reforms in 2015 broadened the options available when accessing pension funds, the popularity of Annuities has fallen by 75% (Source: Association of British Insurers ABI)…

Retirement planning: Will you have enough to live comfortably when you give up work?

retirement planning will you have enough to live off

If you have recently been automatically enrolled into a workplace pension, you should be feeling happy with yourself, staying opted in, making contributions and building your pension fund feels great.

But it might not be enough.

Most employed people are …