The Pension Freedoms reform means that you can access 25% of your pension fund on a tax-free basis from 10 years prior to your State Retirement age (also known as a Pension Commencement Lump Sum). More than half (54%) of …
Author: Simon
The gender pay gap: even pensions are not immune
By the age of 50, men’s pension pots are double the size of women’s, according to research from Aegon.
- The gender pay gap
- Differences in working hours
- Family responsibilities
What is the gender pay gap?
According to the …
Four ways to help you feel more financially secure when you retire
Unsure about your financial stability in retirement? You’re not alone.
Just under half (46%) of people due to retire in 2018 feel that they are financially underprepared for retirement, according to Prudential. That is despite the average income for …
Why lattes cost far more than you think
A new outfit, a cup of coffee, pizza on a Friday night. They’re small, impulsive purchases, but they soon add up.
Research from Scottish Widows shows that each month, we each spend an average of £124 on things we could …
Are you a DINO in danger of extinction?
Two incomes are better than one.
But what happens when one income suddenly stops?
For millions of people, it could mean significant financial danger, due to a lack of savings and insurance.
Who is in danger?
You might have heard …
Taking money from your pension? Five costly mistakes to avoid
Accessing pension funds early is not right for everybody.
In fact, without careful consideration, it could lead to financial difficulties later in life.
Data from Retirement Advantage shows that the amount people are taking from their pension has risen above …
Are your parents or grandparents missing out on money they are entitled to?
Could your parents, grandparents or relatives be eligible for more financial help than they are getting?
60% of pensioners who own their own home are missing out on at least £1,000 in state benefits each year, according to research from …
Time to act if you have a ‘Pensioner Bond’
For those who invested in 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds in 2014 and 2015, it is time to think about what to do with the returns.
What are 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds?
In 2014, NS&I (National Savings and Investments) released a …
Seven changes you need to know about in 2018
As we head into 2018, with a new financial year a few months away, the government is preparing to introduce several changes. These will come into effect in April, and it is likely that you will be affected by at …
62% of adults don’t understand inflation; here’s our quick explainer
Only 38% of UK adults know what inflation is, according to research from The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The data also shows that adults in at least 14 nations have a better understanding of inflation than Brits.…