Reflecting on 2016…

January is the time many of us commit to plans and goals for the coming year (I’m not making any resolutions, there’s nothing wrong in carrying a little extra ‘holiday weight’!), but it’s also a good time for reflection…and what …

‘A time for giving’…to the kids!

They say this is the time of year for giving, though for many parents giving to their children isn’t just confined to Christmas…it’s a lifelong hobby!

Naturally, parents and grandparents want to give their heirs the best possible start and …

Inheritance Tax needn’t be taxing…

The spectre of the EU referendum has cast some uncertainty over markets in recent weeks, and it’s still too early to tell which way this will go. Regardless of the outcome, one economic certainty is that the UK tax system …

What does the 2016 Budget mean for you?

George Osborne presented us with a few little surprises in this week’s budget. These were pretty positive on the whole, particularly from a personal tax and financial planning perspective…but as ever, the devil will no doubt be in the detail.…

New Year’s Resolution? To practice what I preach!

I hope like me you had a very enjoyable festive period and new year with friends and family.

How are those resolutions coming along? I’m not big on these myself but generally find this period ideal for getting some important …